Obituary (from a few weeks ago) of my deoderant

    My deoderant led a long, happy life that most deoderants could only dream of living. It did its duty faithfully and effectively and nobody can ever take that away. When it was a young deoderant, its scent was fresh, new, and powerful. This scent even got me some compliments from friends, girlfriend, and family members. My deoderant knew that its job was to make my underarms stay clean-smelling and free of sweat, and it performed these duties admirably. Whenever I was nervous, working out, or doing other perspiration inducing activities, deoderant was always there to do its duty against odor and wetness. Although, towards the end of its life, my deoderant became scratchy and uncomfortable to apply, that does not mean that all its days of hard work have been forgotten. We will all miss you deoderant, and we are positive that you are in a better place now. 
Submitted by Garrett on Thu, 11/01/2007 - 12:55pm. Garrett's blog | login or register to post comments | printer friendly version